Algoma Library Friends
The Book Corner is operated by the Algoma Library Friends (ALF), a non-profit
organization. ALF’s purpose is to support the Algoma Public Library by raising funds
for non-budgeted items and lending a helping hand when needed.
Donations to the library include a staff laptop, summer reading program supplies, a projector, display racks, a printer, crafting supplies, and an iPad Krayon Kiosk. Recent donations include a children’s kitchen complete with “food” and cooking utensils. The Algoma Library Friends also funds an annual scholarship for advanced education in library science.
The Algoma Library Friends formed in 1975, with a mission to support the Algoma Public Library. ALF ‘s very first fundraiser for the library was a book sale out of a car trunk in the parking lot at Citizen’s Bank! This was followed by larger book sales in the bank parking lot. The library continued to grow and moved to where Weber Insurance currently resides on Steele Street, then to its present location on Fremont Street. The Algoma Library Friends held annual book sales on the library grounds, generating the majority of ALF’s income. However, these book sales were a tremendous amount of work and always weather-dependent. When the opportunity came along to have a year-round store, ALF quickly acted and set up a storefront at Third and State streets. The Book Corner celebrated its Grand Opening on June 30, 2017. We’ve been going strong ever since!
The Book Corner is staffed exclusively by our friendly volunteers. No one is paid for their work. We are always looking for additional people to help out at the bookstore. It’s not difficult and you meet the most interesting people! If you would like to volunteer at the Book Corner, please stop by and fill out a Volunteer Application form.
Monetary Donations
To make a donation, come to the Book Corner in person, or mail your donation to:
The Book Corner
401 Third Street
Algoma WI 54201
The Algoma Library Friends is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit and therefore your contribution may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.